Saturday, October 25, 2008


I'll try to fail spectacularly in an attempt to succeed...

I find metaphors in the now and then from the eventuality of those here and there - but all words are bad metaphors. All words are vague descriptions of the amorphous thoughts that flow through our minds. And we are imperfectly describing what we actually mean when we decide to commit those thoughts to anything as fickle as language.

Even though I have to. Even though that's the very basis of communication. Of society itself. Language has and always will be the weakest link. I say "this" when I really mean something that "this" roughly resembles. You'll respond with "that" when you really mean whatever approximates a response to what you misconstrued as my intent, when I used "this" term.

And the degrees by which we are moving away from what we really meant, continues with each imprecisely proximated response. Until we are no longer dealing with the original ideas - but instead wrestling with the intricacies and nuances of language itself.

It all fails the macroscopic concepts. We use archetypical words like "love" because they are the closest approximation we have to a broad range of concepts and emotion. That is a major flaw in the human condition. One which causes more heartache and false-hope and even more emotional destruction than anyone cares to fathom.

I've stopped writing here because the hypocrisy of it cuts me like razors. Because explaining the problem is obscured by the problem itself, and that I should probably leave it as it is... I strive for semblance and failure is my success.

Like how love should be... No matter who, when or where... I try to the best of my ability to prevent myself from loving... Ever again...

Somehow, I think I’ve failed once more...

Sunday, October 19, 2008


When alcohol becomes a remedy to a broken conviction, all that is left is to expunge the sobriety out of a person. To numb the pain with trickles of inebriation, like worries flushed down the faucets of reality. Heartstrings soaked in wine and sinful eye candies, with smiley facades the only asylum to keep the forlornness within.

Once I was the person in front of me. Now I am, the person facing the past me. I never thought such a day would come back full circle to me - To shine light upon the lovelessness of another. Hypocritical admonishments the only solace to a broken heart, presence and company became a tranquilizer on drip to a loveless soul, rendering it still and keeping it sane a drip at a time.

Brokened hearts, shattered dreams, splinters of the mirror shying back at me... When a connection detached between a man and a woman, this became the eventuality... It is times like these, I pray that I do not fall in love again... For love is a condition falser than the vows made in wine.

Because when I drink in love, I sink faster than you can say gravity...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Love and Lust

Love is the mental condition in which a being finally feels affection for another. Lust is the physical condition in which a being finally feels attraction for another. And to feel both at the same time is the molecular ordinance of the human condition.

Between the relationships we share with the opposite sexes, we draw invisible lines in which we prevent ourselves from crossing. Lines guided by the ruler of principles and morality. Lines in which different people draws differently... Yet some exceeds the boundaries of others, crossed by the lust and their selfish desires. Like how one could become a third party, wedging themselves between two others. Fissuring the trust between them and leading to the eventuality of brokened hearts.

I strongly believe in karma and that Lerner’s Symmetry Theorem also applies in the deeds we’ve done. Thus, I draw lines too, in an ocular bid to keep me in check. These lines conspicuously separate love and lust, friends and flings. However when circumstances changes; I alter them to suit the course of fate. Erasing and realigning these lines of segregation in accordance to changes and societal norms, evolution and the ever widening openness of humanism.

Love is just a thin line between fornication and communication. I am human, and being the quintessential man... I do stray from the lines.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Old Songs

Why do old songs make us reminisce... Is it because of the cultural gap between the genres of the past and the present. Or the impossibility of a time warp to a previous generation, that we have missed yet yearn to participate in a way or another.

I like old songs, oldies that could date back to years before I was even in liquid form. The work of past artists, glories of ashen flames, I live them back one song at a time. To place myself back in time where people who are old are young again, to an era of black and whites, to a time where the music players we now epithet are called gramophones.

I transcended time through the verberating portal of music, and lived the present with the hymns of the past. Pop maybe the genre I grew from, with each songs charting a different place in my life. But these old songs, they came before even I exist. They reminded me not of the phases in life, but how each song portrays an emotion so close and nostalgia. That even after a few decades, I could even relate to what it meant...

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Science tells us that ice floats in a body of liquid because tiny air bubbles make it bouyant.That density is measured on a numeric scales and that the higher digits will offset the lower numbers, and that the molecules structure of frozen H2O is lighter than that of a liquid H20.

I think ice floats because that is the optimum method by which my Vodka and Redbull stays chilled on a hot day. That it is the ultimate pleasure of going into an inebriated staid. That this mixture of bitter sweet concoction resembles the closest to life I've ever tasted. Probably, literally, and drunkenly...

Science describes the principles which order the universe - but it is only through practical observation that those principles acquire any implicit structure and meaning. That's why I've never studied science, it never made any sense to me...