It’s that time of the year again. When pyrotechnics resets the count back to 0, and we just reiterate what we’ve done year after year. We count another 365 days before all these get rehashed again… We rinse and repeat and then write the same resolutions to each new year with mendacity…
Every year is like an elevator ride… We move on, up and down, between places both new and old. Hoping for new things to happen, waiting to make a difference… But at each floor, we somehow already knew what to expect. That with each level stopped, we gained and lost some people. Some exit; only to come back again, some just left the building; never to be seen again.
Yet in this constant traverse between the ups and downs, between the strangers and familiar people I see in and out. There are times I kept pressing the next floor button in this psychosomatic belief that by doing so, time will move faster.
By then I had became so absorbed in this process I fail to appreciate the things these people have said and done. Until this banal process is over, do I remember a bit of everyone. But by then they are gone…
I’m tired of resolutions, I’m tired of things I’ve said but never will do. But every year, I still make these superfluous assumptions, that somehow or another, I will be assiduous. In this cycle of constant reverberation, I’ve decided to cherish whoever and whatever I have… Not because a bird in hand is worth 2 in the bushes.
But because I never know, when I will lose them…