Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Growing Up

Life is never easy, but I did not know it could be so hard. Once we figure out we are on our own, that we are adults with life decisions that could change our future forever, that is when we finally find out what kind of a person we are… Be it choosing which university to go to, what girls to fall in love with. Ultimately, the decision is up to us, for good or for bad. It is how we live with the consequences of our actions and decisions that matters…

Poring through the vestiges of past deliberations, my predilection to play on the safe side has seemed to have gotten the best of me… Be it in relationships, investing, or buying something I desire. I always seemed to dwell too much into its repercussions rather than enjoying that brief moment of pleasure and exhilaration… So much so, it made me stay stagnant in a spot for too long… So much longer, that everyone has moved on except me.

Somedays, being an adult is vexing and tiresome… Imagine being a kid again, when homework is the only least favourite thing. Just at what point do we lose this innocence, that we finally realize the way of the world. Every individual will eventually discover how the world acts and reacts; it's just a matter of when…

For me, I think it was due to all the past perfidies of people whom I have prepensely lost contact with – The realization of my morality, not just family or friends, but my own… That betrayal and heartbreaks are real. That I too someday will die, that one day this blog and all I have lived for will no longer exist or matter.

At which point do we realize we are no longer a child? To each his own, the answer varies. But to me, I think it is the day I see that I will die and understand, it's not sleeping, and it’s not a dream… It is a matter of fact…

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