Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Tryst...

It’s amazing how our thoughts can change with the people we meet. No matter how brief, how random. As each day flips through like pages of a storybook. Lines and paragraphs counting down to the end of each page. Unveiling new characters and plots; revelations which we have no control over.

Among the lists of characters we meet, are what defines us. Friends, lovers, allies and adversaries. With each, comes a different theme to our story. A vicissitude to an unchartered tale. And among the many we’ve met and lost, are the special connection that binds us along this high density living.

Each line of fate, weaving upon another to reach out to each other. And as this great tapestry of fate wound through time, our lives intersect with other lines. Creating the fabric of providence, meeting the people that could change our lives...

With just this one determining moment in time...

Our first tryst...

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