Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Time frozen, stilled between the speed of light and the electric modulation of digital visual. I found a way to stop time, to freeze what I saw into files and bytes, to take perspectives in angles anonymous to most. I manipulate the luminosity of the 7 colours to capture beauty no matter how fleeting it may be, and I found it all through my latest obsession – Photography.

After beauty has left, I started seeking a way to turn back time, but the closest I ever gotten, is only stopping it… Freezing time along the spectrums of light, I could only find a way to capture the present but not the past. I wanted to take a picture of her again… I wanted to capture beauty in it’s purest esscence. Even though it may be just a memory, even though it may fade to black and yellow in times to come. All I ever wanted was something tangible for a memory, not an ethereal depiction of thoughts, just so that I can remember it somewhere along the future. – That I had loved before…

It’s amazing how this art, like writing, has far eluded me for so long. The ability to stop, freeze and capture splendor with the click of a button. The momentous seizure of time, with the transposition of a millisecond to an eternal form; If anything that could describe visuals as a silhouette of perfection. This is it…

The human eye is so shallow, like how men are drawn to pretty women, like how I am drawn to women, that always breaks my heart…

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