Monday, March 16, 2009


Is the ideology of death itself, and each of us believe in different deaths... But most religions state that there will be this higher cognizance after life, and that we will transcend to another realm, freed from pain and the seven sins. I’ve always believe in this soul anecdote... I’ve dreamt about such a place, and the realism of it strikes me deeper than anything...

Especially when someone or something around my sphere of influence needs to define it, in someway or another. Everyone of us have a set of ideology on death, clouted by the the proliferation of information. Even as we are literally dying ater 20, we each hold a different perception of death… Be it a pet, a friend or a family member… At times we thought we are prepared to face it, but we aren’t… We are never prepared to lose anyone or anything, in whatever form death might come.

I’m not that morbid as this entry sounds… It’s just that death is just a process. And like happiness. It’s never about the end, but the journey that matters.

We are going to die anyways...

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