Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lost In Translation

At times we deviate from our norms in life, at times we became people we thought we wouldn't be or never would be... At moments like these, we usually forgot who we are, searching to escape the realism that binds us and our conscience... Lost in the translation of thoughts and emotions...

Emancipated from the thorny grips of love... Enraptured by the rhetorical figure of incongruousness along an inebriated staid. I was mangled by the very temptation of thoughts itself... Along the masquarades of masks I see, are people crying out for effectual actions. Yet succoring them in their hour of need is the derogatory connotations of being in a stupor. Hanging in the balance of righteousness and the thought of reprisal, I can't help but wax along the frequency of disconcertion.

I'm messed up I know, but whenever I am possessed by such deconstructionist thoughts, I just can't seem to find a word or reason for everything anymore...

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