Monday, January 7, 2008

Supply Chain

The only time I last saw a supply chain was when I am working in a factory... At that time, my perception of it was just a mundane, lifeless job. A profession that requires precision and zero creation. But threading along the belts of despondency, I found that we are indeed just a metaphor of a supply chain called life...

As experience hosts me over a 22 years peregrinate, I am exalted by the wide array of emotions and lessons life has delivered upon me. As the trucks of fate arrived, they bring in different packages and some suitcases along with it. These cargo comes in all shapes and sizes, some are heavier than the others, some are sealed tighter, but they are all labeled differently. Some came tagged with one word; Sadness, Pain, Happiness, Regrets... Some came in phrases; Happiness in Disguise, The best way out is always through, Only through groundlessness will I inevitably grow, Make your life a mission - Not an intermission. Some came in really long sentences like one I recently received; Life is interesting precisely because we have to battle all kinds of ups and downs.

All these packages came from various suppliers; companies called friends, acquaintences, crushes, love, family and many more. They are loaded upon the conveyer belt of time and moved at an immutable pace. These little conveyor belts fed into a bigger belt, like streams feeding into a powerful river. Every moment, every second, these streams of fate flow and delivers to me its boxed product. But that is just part of this supply chain...

As these parcels of life reached me, I consume them, kept them, destroyed them. But regardless of what I do, they have made me the way I am. The endless stream of packages life can deliver never stops, from delivery to consumption, the cycle continues... It never ends... I call it "Life's Symphony" in multiple motility - with no finale. It just keeps playing, as long as I live.

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